An Athiest Canvasser
Written By : Bethany Powell
I had not canvassed huge dealerships in a little while, so I honestly was a little nervous going up to a Ford dealership looming ahead of me. Since I have had many good experiences in dealerships, I was excited to see what was going to take place in this one (for good reason). Right as I was nearing the front door, a car salesman came out to meet me. Soon after I started canvassing him, he told me to come inside so that I could talk with a group of people instead of just him. We entered into the wonderful air conditioned building and I began canvassing a few people that were hanging out in the entryway of the building. These individuals were not interested, but I of course still prayed with all of them. It was there that I was told that the first car salesman that I met was an atheist. After my prayer, the atheist man told me to follow him so that I could meet some more people at the business. He led me in another adjoining room where there were three other salesman. To my complete surprise, he then started canvassing for me. He said something like this, “This girl is leaving books on donation basis to help her go to school to become a teacher. Y'all got money, help her out.” Two Christian men in particular were very interested in the books and both ended up getting two sets of books and gave generous donations. They each told me how they had been trying to bring the atheist man to God for many years, but were not successful yet. They were sure that if this man gave himself to Christ, he would be a very passionate worker for the Lord. I completely agreed with them because I saw that this atheist man was very influential. One man gave me over donations so that the atheist man could get a book for free. I asked the atheist man which book he would like and he said he would like to have Bible Answers out of all the books I had. He immediately started flipping through the book and cynically asked me if I believed in the flood and Noah’s ark. I told him that I did, and then he asked me where the ark was now. The Lord impressed me with the reply, “Well, I’m not completely sure, but I do know that God’s ways are higher than my ways.” He was stumped. I continued conversing with the group of salesman and then the atheist man told the rest of them that I was going to have a prayer with them before I left. Of course I did and then the atheist man led me on to all the different departments of the dealership. More and more books flew out as I was dumbfounded on how God was using an atheist man to reach souls for His kingdom. At one point, I told the gentleman how thankful I was for his kindness in taking me around to many different people in spite of the fact that he was not a Christian. He replied, “Even though I am not a Christian, I am inspired by the passion that you have for what you do.” My heart was so happy as I left that Ford dealership. God showed me that if He can use an atheist man to help fulfill His mission, He can definitely use me. That day, God used me to touch the heart of a hard core atheist. In the process, God touched my heart with so much hope and joy in service.