How Did He Know?
The Holy Spirit goes before us, but how do we know?
As I was walking from house to house, and while some people were rejecting me others were receptive. As I was walking along a man asked me what I was doing, so I proceeded to tell him about the books. He looked up at me and said, “I am interested in The Great Controversy. I have been studying on my own lately and maybe this will help me study”. “Yes, The Great Controversy will help you” I said. Then we prayed and I was on my way. As I was ending my day I realized I had canvassed him on the Steps To Christ, not The Great Controversy. How did he know I had The Great Controversy in my bag? This just comes to show that the Holy Spirit is working, and although we may think we know what someone needs, God is already two steps ahead. He will always bring all the pieces together perfectly. We do not meet anybody by chance, but through Divine guidance. Who have you met? How have you seen the Holy Spirit work in your life?
- Linda Magdeleno