To Know His Faithfulness
"My Shepherd will supply my need,
Jehovah is His Name...
"My Shepherd Will Supply My Need," was probably the hymn that Aletia was singing while she was canvassing in the state of Alabama.
This particular day Aletia keep meeting people who were sincere about reading the books she held in her hand. Especially a lady who liked reading children's book because they were easy for her to read and understand. The problem was that she did not have enough money to cover the books. Although she lacked funds, she did not lack a genuine desire to read the books that had been shown to her. When Aletia gave her the option to choose her favorite book, she excitedly chose Real Heroes and gave up her last five dollars. Aletia with a smile on her face accepted them gladly and went on her way.
As Aletia canvassed on, she prayed that God would cover the cost of the book she had given to the lady. Many more doors were knocked on that evening, and many interested people received books even when they didn't have enough money to cover the cost. That evening when she was counting up her money for the day, she realized that she had five dollars more than she had expected. Much to her delight, she ended up being over donations that day!
It is true that we serve a living God, One who knows our needs and does not pass them by. Truly when God sees our faithfulness in meeting people’s needs, He makes sure that our needs are met as well.
And like the hymn says:
"The sure provision of my God
Attend me all my days:
There would I find a settled rest..."